Chenille custom patches are a great way to make your team stand out. When you are in a varsity team or in the cheerleading squad, embedding custom chenille patches on your varsity jackets can certainly level up your clothing, with simple and accurate designs that are extremely stylish at an affordable price. We can create all your designs and with unlimited colour combinations. We are the place to go to when you want to improve how your jerseys and cheerleading uniforms look.
Chenille custom patches are usually used for letters and emblems on varsity jackets. They are fully textured and has a warm, classic style. Using chenille patches provides a textured three-dimensional appearance that are heads and shoulders better than traditional patches. Chenille patches are great for fun and quirky designs that aim for that bold, playful fleecy finish.
Chenille patches are made with a felt base and chenille yarn that gives a furry texture and appearance. Because of the thickness of chenille yarns, small and precise details cannot be achieved. Hence, make sure letters and design details are at least 2 inches high.
On the other hand, if you are looking for custom metal works instead of a custom chenille patch, then visit our affiliate website.
Quality Chenille Custom Patches
If you are wondering what a chenille patch is, then here are some details and reasons why why you should get your own line. Chenille custom patches are created by weaving two core yarns together in order to create intricate designs. The weaving pattern of the personalised patch allows for a more durable and long-lasting custom item. These patches are also great for extreme sports activities where they are exposed to constant wear and tear.
We all know that a letterman jacket is not complete without custom chenille varsity letters embedded on it. Our patches will hold up for long periods of time, so it can hold a lot of memories that you will surely remember for years to come. Here at Custom Patches, if you want to design and make chenille patches that reflect your style and personality, we offer affordable and flexible options that are right just for you and your team.
Show off your team’s pride, rise above the competition and get your game face on with custom varsity patches that are created to suit your personality and style. Our team of skilled designers, combined with our years of experience and and an extensive range of machinery, has been providing quality custom chenille embroidery patches that are a perfect accessory for your team’s letterman jackets and your cheerleading squad’s uniforms. Reflect you team’s pride and showcase your camaraderie to your community.
Custom Chenille Patches Wholesale
Here at Custom Patches, we offer chenille letters wholesale, with a wide range of different designs and thousands of colour combinations that you can choose from. Just remember that custom chenille letter patches come from a good design. So if you have a design that you want to be materialised, then we are available for all your requests and needs.
Take your chenille embroidery patches to the next level by combining different styles and colours that are available in our collection. Our custom chenille letters are also backed with a stiffened felt for a more durable and long-lasting product. The felt is also added for scenarios where the chenille patch is embedded or sewn on letterman jackets or jerseys.
We take pride in our work, and we assure our clients that our chenille letters custom are available at competitive prices. We take your budget, your design and all your inputs and recommendations into consideration.